Sunday, May 22, 2011

Working our way back home

Well, we started the day confident that it would be smooth sailing. We were sorry to leave the delightful Sister Emma (I still think she has a crush on Ron).

But we had our train tickets booked on the fast train to Venice and all we had to do was find our Hilton Hotel near the airport. Well the train pulled out on time and three minutes later pulled to a screeching halt. We watched the conductor run through the train talking on a cell phone and right away we had a bad feeling. We soon heard rapid Italian over the loud speaker with no English translation. The gist was that our EuroExpress train (for which we paid the big bucks) broke down and we would now switch to the regional train for the rest of the trip. So Ron had to extricate our luggage from the overhead rack without killing any of our fellow passengers so we could board another train that was booked with it's own passengers. We found a seat squeezed our luggage in the overhead rack again and off we went. So we are about 90 minutes late but at least we were almost there till the train screeched to a grinding halt 10 minutes from our stop. We were sure we were going to be playing train musical chairs again but the train took off and we arrived at our destination and found our hotel with relative ease.
As much as we have loved the B&B's it is nice to be in a hotel with an elevator. We had a beer by the pool went for a swim and now we are ready to face the 4 flight 16 hour travel day tomorrow. Let's just hope the workers don't go on strike.


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