Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Day in Rome

On our last day in Rome, we started early and got to the Vatican Museum before the crowds got crazy. It was amazing and we absorbed as much religious art as humanly possible. But we did not get to see St. Peters because the line was about 1500 people ahead of us and it wasn't moving, so we opted to visit the Church of San Angelo which offers the same panoramic views but no lines.

I was disappointed that I did not get to see the Pope because I was going to ask him to pray that the Italian people would be saved from the toilet seat and toilette paper shortage that is plaguing the country.
After the Vatican we trekked back across the Tiber River to check out Piazza Navone and the Pantheon.

I could tell Ron had reached his Italian site saturation point when he left me in the dust working his way back to our room and a glass of wine. Our feet are blistered, our legs are tired and we are ready to give up these 12 hour walking days for home and our own bed and luxurious shower.

Tomorrow we head back to Venice then on Monday home. We miss our friends and family but this trip has been (as I am always telling Ron), "an adventure"!

Location:Vatican Museum

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