Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Schlepping to Sorrento

The trip from Siena to Sorrento is not for the faint of heart. We left our hotel at 8am and caught a bus to the train station. From there we caught another bus to Chiusi. It was a lovely trip through Tuscany and we arrived to find the train we were taking went straight to Naples but our tickets were just to Rome. So I asked the ticket agent if we could upgrade our tickets to include Naples. She said si we could go to Naples no extra cost. Well apparently she did not understand so as we are on our way to Naples the conductor asks to see our tickets. He said you will have to pay 144 Euros because we didn't buy our tickets at the station. I did my best to plead our case and the three non-English speaking Italian women we were riding with in the same car came to our aid so we were only charged 33 Euro. (Folks, this is Ron speaking.....please note that this was entirely my wife's doing.....in her infinite mastery of the Italian language and culture, she assured me that we could just play dumb if we were caught.....sure, we could laugh about it all the way to the jail in Naples.)
We arrive in Naples at 4pm and now have to take the Circumvesuviana train to Sorrento an hour and 10 minute ride. We get to the platform and think of Times Square on New Years Eve but everybody has a large suitcase in tow. So we squeeze on the train and prepare to stand for the next 70 minutes. All was well till 10 members of a high school soccer team got on the train with their gear bags. Good times had by all!
We finally arrive in Sorrento 10 hours after leaving Siena. But our B&B is lovely and for the first time in two weeks there is a TV in our room. I thought Ron would pass out from joy.

In my search for a wine opener we met a great group of fellow travelers who invited us to have a glass of wine and we ended up going to dinner with them.

It was by far the best meal we have had so far and we watched the sun set over Mt Vesuvius.

Tomorrow we are off to the Amalfi Coast.


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