Sunday, May 15, 2011

Siena Adventure

Siena Showers

Today was our first rainy day. We had planned to go to Mass at the Doumo. It was not far as the crow flies but Siena is the most convoluted place I have ever encountered. So we opted to go back to St Catherine's "head"-quarters! We found that Mass was at 12:00 but had the hardest time finding it because it was being held in the crypt. Now picture this......we are under the church in a small area with a priest who is as wide as he is tall speaking in Italian and after his sermon, there was a guest missionary who droned on asking for money of course. We could figure that out in any language.

After Mass, we donned our rain gear and ventured
to see the Doumo, it's museum, the Baptistery and another crypt. There were some amazing sculptures and paintings. (Lauren if you are reading this the was a Baldassare chalice in the museum). Also many more saint's body parts. Lower jaws, skulls and other assorted bones in the most ornate receptacles of gold encrusted with rubies and sapphires.

We checked out an open air market selling the wonderful flowers that adorn all of Italy. They were so reasonably priced that you can understand why there are flowers on every porch and terrace. After the market, it was off to find another great dining experience.

We are in our room at a reasonable hour so no worry about curfew tonight. While Siena was interesting, we are glad to be planning out trip to Sorrento tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I heard the cast from the Jersey Shore is in Florence...too bad you missed the excitement
