Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ciao Firenze

We sadly departed Venice on the fast train to Florence this morning. Never did see il Papa but I may get my chance in Rome. The train was fast and while somewhat crowded but got us to Florence just before noon. We found our new B&B easily but then realized it was on the 4th floor and no elevator. But troopers that we are we dragged our bags up the 60 marble steps. However when we looked out our window we were thrilled to be on to the main Piazza of Florence. We were treated to a parade of medieval musicians marching through the Piazza.

We then met up with a charming Italian architecture student named Tommaso who had been an exchange student at Communications High School.

Tommaso took us to a quaint cafe for lunch then gave us a quick tour of the city. We made plans to meet for dinner and Ron and I tried to go to Mass at the Duomo.

There we were met by the church Gestapo. All the doors were locked except one and you practically had to beg on bended knee to go in for Mass. After mass we reunited with Tommaso and had a great dinner and listened to a street concert before crashing for the night.



  1. Wow! looks like you're having a great time so far despite the worker's strike...

    Happy Mother's Day Mom!

  2. Where's David by Michaelangelo? Why no picture of him?
    Mom and Dad
