Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cinque Terrence

Not to worry, we have not been kidnapped by terrorists. We are in a no-WiFi zone. This is our third day in the Cinque Terrence and it is spectacular. Did I mention our 77 stone steps up to our lovely camera? When we checked in, a nice man in his late 80's carried my suitcase up those 77 steps and I'm sure he was cursing the entire way (in Italian).

We have walked the trails to Monterosso and to Corniglia and have strolled the via Dell'Amore from Riomaggiore to Manarola. Today we swam in the Ligurian Sea in the cove by our place. Tomorrow we plan to go to Portofino.

We have met many nice (mostly non-Italians) including a couple from Melbourne, Australia. It was surprising how much we had in common with our families. Train travel here takes a bit of getting used to, since much of the ticketing instructions are in Italian, and you getta bigga fine if you no havva da proper ticket!!

Talk to you again once. We are in Siena.



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