Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amalfi Adventure

As the travel from Sorrento was not for the faint of heart the road to Amalfi was not for the faint of stomach. Ron armed himself with Italian motion sickness medicine and I was sorry I didn't join him as the last 30 minutes of the trip were brutal. We waited two hours before we actually got on the bus to begin our adventure. We watched everyone board luxury buses and we were actually thrilled to be one of the first on line for the next bus. That way we could be on the right side of the bus for the best views. Well as our bus finally pulled up we were dismayed that it was an older version covered in grafitti. But we got a good seat and we figured oh what the heck!!! Well about 20 minutes into the trip we hear a beeping alarm sound. Our driver pulls over and starts walking around the bus. He comes back to announce that the bus is no good and another one is on it's way. So now all the last on board who chose to stand rather than wait for another bus have jumped off the bus and are now getting all of the prime seats on the rescue bus. We did manage to get a seat and we proceed to follow the scary winding road to Amalfi.

We made it 4 hours after we left our hotel so our first priority was food and a bathroom. Once our basic needs were met we walked around the city. Then we went to the poor excuse for a beach and I met a fellow beach glass collector. We both found some great pieces and I collected my sand and we were ready to begin the journey home. This time we only had to wait 30 minutes for a bus and we got prime seats for queasy travelers. Also looking up from the safe side of the road is so much more relaxing than looking over the cliffs with inches to spare between you and eternity.

Back at the hotel we met a young couple from Middletown NJ and another couple from Wisconsin. We shared a bottle of wine and ate hors d'ourves for dinner. Tomorrow is set aside for the Isle of Capri.

Location:Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi

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