Friday, May 6, 2011

Arrivederci Venezia

We started the day looking for a glass artisan in Venice. After a few wrong turns we stumbled on Mauro's shop and he was busy creating a mouse. After watching his creative technique, we found a piece that fits our home. It is a chameleon and since many scamper across our deck we felt it was a fitting momento. While it can't be classified as Murano it certainly is Venetian glass. On our way to the next stop we walked though a fish and produce market.

Then we went to an exhibit of Leonardo DaVinci's machines. Who knew he was the first to create fun house mirrors.

Next we were off to the Doge's Palace. Those guys really knew how to live. However as we crossed the Bridge of Sighs we found out how the less fortunate spent their last days....... although some of the dungeons were bigger than a New York City apartment. Tired and hungry we walked through some beautiful neighborhoods (Did I mention the workers went on strike today) as a vaporetto ride was not in the cards. Tomorrow we head to Firenze. Those of you from CHS will be interested to know that I am meeting Tommaso Francucci. He is studying architecture in Firenze and will be our tour guide and dinner guest tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Man, it looks like you guys are having sooo much fun!!!

    Happy Mothers day Mom!
